Heteroparalelo, 2021 

For Heteroparalelo Gómez López poses a metaphysical exercise imagining an alternate universe where he is heterosexual. The two models represent the house where he grew up in each scenario. The observer is invited to question what differences could be in this parallel reality. 

This work was presented with Salón Silicón during Estación Material 2021 in Guadalajara, MX. 

Heteroparalelo, 2021

Plexiglass, cardboard, digital print, acrylic paint, nylon thread

29 x 29 x 60 cm

 11.4 x 11.4 x 23.6 in

Featured: Inversions of the Inner World

Designed by Monira Foundation as a part of the Discovering AYN February program, Inversions of the Inner World is a digital publication focused on promoting artists' original work in conversation with the AYN Foundation's permanent exhibition of Andy Warhol's original silkscreens.

Digital publication

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